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Captura de pantalla 2022-02-09 a las 12.31.12
10.000.000 EUR
Purchase price

Hotel in the center of Cala Ratjada

Capdepera / Cala Rajada
Capdepera / Cala Rajada - Cala Ratjada

Hotel in the center of Cala Ratjada


This hotel is marketed discreetly, please contact us at [email protected] for more information. This charming hotel with an occupancy rate of at least 80%/year is located in the center of Cala Ratjada and has almost 100 rooms. On the first floor there is a fully equipped restaurant with professional kitchen, bar, outdoor seating with pool area and much more. For more information or a visit please contact us!

air conditioning system
I will be happy to advise you:
Martina Albrecht
Find us here:
Martina Albrecht S.L.
Carrer de Ciutat 22
07570 Artà
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Hospitality (hotels)
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